On October 16, Citizen Lab released the results of its...
Citizen Lab
How a Team of Researchers Investigated Data Access Rights around the World
By Miles Kenyon @ Citizen Lab Big data is big business....
Researchers Find Korean Monitoring and Filtering Apps are putting Children at Risk
Researchers Find Korean Monitoring and Filtering Apps...
Good Bye Smart Sheriff – It’s Time to Repeal the Minor Smartphone Filtering Mandate!
Please read the Korean original here.
“ Smart Sheriff ” App’s Vulnerabilities Endanger Korean Youths, Citizen Lab’s New Report Finds
Read the Full Report: Are the Kids Alright? Digital Risks...
[Open Net Forum] the National Intelligence Service Spying Citizens by Hacking Team’s spyware RCS and Release of “Open Vaccine”
Internal emails of Hacking Team leaked by Wikileaks show...