*This is 2015 UN Human Rights Committee lobbying document...
Status of Criminal Defamation/Insult in Korea (2015)
*This is 2015 UN Human Rights Committee lobbying document...
Abolish Criminal Defamation and Administrative Censorship
*This is 2023 UN Human Rights Committee lobbying document...
The Police Must Stop Its Investigation of Defamation of President Moon
Seoul Gangbuk Police Station announced on August 13 that...
Open Net Submitted Opinions on Amendments to the Criminal Act and the Information and Communications Network Act Aimed at Reducing the Scope of Criminal Punishment of Truth Defamation
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Submitted an Opinion Opposing the Sentencing Commission’s Sentencing Guidelines on Defamation
Please read the Korean original here.
Sentencing Commission Should Withdraw Its Sentencing Guidelines Proposal Aggravating Punishment for Defamation and Insult
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Submitted its Objection to the Bill That Mandates Intermediaries to Monitor and Delete Defamatory Information
Please read the Korean original here.
KCSC Should Dismiss Liberty Korea Party’s “Political Party Defamation” Deliberation Request
Please read the Korean original here.
330 Legal Professionals including Professors and Lawyers Announced “Declaration for the Abolition of Truth Defamation”
Open Net held a press conference for “the Declaration of...
Two Main Obstacles to the Me Too (#MeToo) Movement in Korea: Truth Defamation and Temporary Takedown Requests
Please read the Korean original here.
The Ruling Party’s Leader CHOO Miae Publicly Condemning Insults to the President is a Threat to the Freedom of Expression
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net and PSPD Law Center Win a Not Guilty Verdict on Coast Guard’s Defamation Charges Against Hong Ga-Hye, the Whistleblower
Please read the Korean original here.