By Dylan Scott and Jun Michael Park DAEGU, South Korea —... 8/9/2020 “South Korea fleshes out regressive ‘Netflix law’”
Written by Nick Wood Consumers in South Korea could soon...
The Investor 8/9/2020 “Korea reveals details of ‘Netflix law’”
By Shim Woo-hyun ( The Ministry of...
The Economist 20/8/2020 “South Korea’s liberal rulers unleash their inner authoritarians”
Used to dishing out the criticism, they seem unwilling to...
Digital Privacy News 8/5/2020 “Is the US Heading Toward a Surveillance State?”
By Charles McDermid Not everyone is convinced that sharing...
Launch of the 2019 RDR Corporate Accountability Index
The 2019 Ranking Digital Rights Corporate Accountability...
The Diplomat 8.3.2019. “South Korea’s New Internet Controls Spark Controversy”
South Korea's New Internet Controls Spark Controversy As...

Live Law 10.2.2019. Lawyers From Asian Countries Discuss Need For Stronger Privacy Laws
Lawyers and policy makers from several Asian countries...
The Korea Herald 15.4.2018 “Policymakers should work to expand public domain in IP”
Contrary to the widespread belief that they safeguard...
Forbes 27.11.2017. “How A Website About North Korea’s Tech Use Battled — And Beat — Being Blocked In South Korea”
Forbes 27.11.2017. "How A Website About North Korea's Tech...

CBS News 21.9.2015 “Smart Sheriff surveillance app leaves South Korean kids vulnerable to hackers”
"But Kim Kha Yeun, a general counsel at libertarian-minded...
Independent 16.6.2015 “South Korea is forcing parents to keep track of their kids using smartphones”
"Lawyer Kim Kha Yeun, an opponent of the law who is...
BBC News 15.6.2015 “Smartphone Sheriff app in South Korea”
National Public Radio 10.6.2015 “South Korean Tracks Smartphones to Curb MERS”
Associated Press 15.5.2015 “Prying Parents: Phone Monitoring Apps Flourish in S. Korea”
"South Korea's Korea Communications Commission, which has...