Please read the Korean original here.
online defamation
KCSC Passes the Controversial Online Defamation Takedown Rule
Please read the Korean original here.
Open Net Submits Petitions of 625 Citizens Opposing the KCSC Online Defamation Takedown Rule
Please read the Korean original here.
Q&A on the KCSC Online Defamation Takedown Rule – Why the Civil Society Opposes the Newly Proposed Rule
Please read the Korean original here.
Civil Society Demands KCSC to Drop Rule Change for 3rd Party-Initiated Defamation Takedown
Please read the Korean original here.
200 Legal Professionals Declares Opposition to Online Defamation Takedown Rule
Please read the Korean original here.
KCSC’s Online Defamation Takedown Rule Change Will be Abused to Suppress Critiques of Public Figures
Please read the Korean original here.
KCSC Chairman Park Promises to Handle Online Defamation Rule Change “in Spirit of Consensus”
Please read the Korean original here.
Civil Society’s Open Inquiries to KCSC on Online Defamation Takedown Rule
Please read the Korean original here.
KCSC Poised for Preemptive Takedowns on Online Defamatory Postings on Public Figures such as the President
Please read the Korean original here.
[Open Net Forum] For Whom is KCSC’s 3rd-Party-Initiated Defamation Takedown?
Please read the Korean original here.